Power Transmission Engineering Interviews RedexJanuary 8, 2019


Check out Redex’s own David Regiec being interviewed by Power Transmission Engineering Managing Editor Randy Stott. These two discuss the rigidity and precision requirements of a machine tool gearbox as part of the Revolutions Series on Power Transmission Engineering TV (https://www.powertransmission.com/tv/).  Randy Stott: Welcome to Revolutions, the show where we talk about power transmission and …

New Product: Synchronous Lifting SystemsOctober 26, 2016

rack jack 250

The Rack Jack is a new range of products that provides simple, cost effective lifting or precise positioning of loads from 180 – 1800 Lbs. Rack Jacks come in 3 sizes and are available with one or two pushers (racks). Based on the simple mechanical principal of rack and pinion combined with a robust square …

New Product: Large Gears


Large, made to order gearing solutions are now available from Redex, USA, Inc. Ring gears, gear segments, spiral bevel and herringbone gears provide rotary motion to large turntables and heavy duty rotating devices. These gears can be made to customers drawing or designed to meet application requirements. Ring gears and gear segments are the cousin …