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Short introduction to the EMP Brakes & Clutches technology. ▪ How does it works ▪ Range overview

▪ Main applications in the industry ▪ Selection principle

EMP Technology p 6

The fixed coil special design is offering the easiest mechanical integration when the des-ign’s compactness is a crucial issue.

EMP Clutches Brushless p 60

▪ Overview of Web and Wire tension control principles and applications. ▪ MEROBEL electronic controllers. - DGT 300 - digital controller - PowerBlock2 - power supply source

Tension Control p 14

The most popular and largest range of MEROBEL's EMP Brakes is offering solutions for every needs from its 10 sizes and up to 5 diffe-rent versions for each size.

EMP Brakes with through bore p 28

The two biggest sizes of brakes, dedicated to the most demanding applications are provi-ding both high torque (up to 1000 Nm), and high power dissipation (up to 10 kW).

EMP Brakes HighTorque p 46

MEROBEL's output shaft series are mostly dedi-cated to industrial applications such as wire and cable tension control systems, narrow rib-bon unwinding processes, small devices auto-matic test rigs, ...

EMP Brakes with output shaft p 52

The standard range of MEROBEL’s EMP Clutches is offering solutions for every needs from its 10 sizes and 2 different version for each size.

EMP Clutches with through bore p 66

Easy to integrate, MEROBEL’s torque limiters are offering fast response time, very reprodu-cible slipping torque level, smooth and silent operation.

Torque limiters p 88

▪ Maintenance directions ▪ After sales ▪ Application sheets ▪ Tension charts

Annexes p 98

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